Panel PC noax heat
Touchpanel industry PC Dossmann heat
Touchpanel industry PC Dossmann

Case Study Dossmann GmbH

Heat, dust, sparks – noax Industrial PC’s are proving their ruggedness in an iron foundry

Rugged requirements

Resilient, reliable, efficient – these properties set the products from the Dossmann GmbH iron foundry a part from the rest.  As a result, the cast iron parts produced by the company are used predominantly by customers in the key industries of machine tool manufacturing, power plant facilities, and special purpose machinery manufacturing.  A broad range of services, highly qualified employees, and the latest technical facilities mean that this medium-sized business can successfully assert itself on the global markets.  The rugged Industrial PCs from noax support the metal-working company in organizing its production processes efficiently, white simultaneously setting new standards in product quality.

IPC Requirements:

  • Use of Industrial PCs in casting and the processing of pig iron
  • Rugged design, resistant to head
  • Resistant to abrupt temperature fluctuations
  • Completely sealed construction in accordance with protection class IP65
  • Clear and high resolution display with touchscreen

Case Study Dossmann GmbH

Hardware used:
